For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself; But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another, Galatians 6:3-4. 

I just thought I would speak on jealousy today! What is it?, How does it come about? and how to work towards getting rid of it! When I think of  the word Jealousy, I think of covetousness, gossip, nosiness, bitterness, envy and lying. Covetousness, envy and bitterness is self- explanatory. However, the other three words; gossip, nosiness and lying may not be your normal words associated with jealousy but I will explain why it does to me.

Gossip is a practice that many need to work towards eliminating. One thing I cannot stand is to hear a telephone conversation or group of people talking about someone in a negative or questionable manner. Also if someone told you to keep a secret or is experiencing a hardship in their life; why on earth would someone want to spread that sensitive information? This is how negative views begin to build up toward someone who could have potentially blessed your life or vice versa. You may be wondering how gossip fits into jealousy in my book, well here goes!

Gossip, I believe, is often fueled by jealousy in some aspect. This could be about a situation, lifestyle, talent, spouse, preferential treatment, etc; that someone else is experiencing and you are not! The list is virtually endless! Just think about it! What made you spread that word about that other person? Do you secretly hold contempt for this person? Are you trying to defame their character to try to turn people away from them? Do you really want to cause this person physical or psychological harm by your undercover jealousy? What kind of assignment are you on and who sent you?


Why are you so nosey? Whispering about and prying into others' affairs says a lot about you!  What business is someone else's' truly yours. I am still trying to figure that one out! You mean to tell me that you do not have anything else better to do except be overly curious of someone else activities! Um, Stop! You should be too focused on your business, getting to the next level, or how you are going to  assist someone with a need than to probe or investigate something that is not your business in the first place. Did you know nosiness leads to gossip? I just thought you should know that you are, indeed, displaying symptoms of undercover jealously!

Lying is unacceptable probably unless it is out of duress and you are trying to live or save someone else' life.  Why else would someone lie? I feel it is because of undercover jealousy or feelings of wanting what someone else has (covetous). Trying to compare yourself or trying to make yourself look better than someone else. What ever happened to legitimately being happy that someone has reached success in their lives? To lie is to hide the truth about yourself and your true intentions. What are you gaining or have you gained by lying? What greedy need did it fill for you? Be real with yourself and get rid of that undercover jealousy spirit!

My point is why destruct instead of motivate? Did you know that to destruct is strategic and tiresome but to motivate comes naturally and is energizing? Which one are you participating in? The One who was sent or the one specializes in actual descent?

God has called each of us to do what He needs that is going to promote his Kingdom. If God blessed you with a talent, he will begin to cultivate that talent for divine assignment(s). There is always room in the Kingdom so don't be a "copycat" or someone else' "knock off".

Thus saith the Lord, thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel; I am the Lord thy God which teacheth thee to profit, which leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go, Isaiah 48:17.  

Follow God so that he will continue to keep your eyes opened to the true you and your capabilities through him. All of this undercover jealousy is taking up too much of your valuable time.  Remember what Proverbs 18:16 says, "A man's gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men. Go ahead and redirect your energy into more positive outlets and watch see what happens!


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