Learning to love your body type is more than just how you look on the outside. I believe health and confidence are two important factors. When I speak of health I am referring to psychological and/or physical. Yes, there are many different body types that exist but we should all be confident in our skin and the body that we possess. Just know that jealousy does not help; it only fuels unhealthy practices!

 If you happen to not like something about yourself, work towards changing it in a healthy fashion. Again, I want to reiterate that this may not mean making physical changes but psychological changes or, perhaps, both. Your cognitions and perspective on who you are as a person matters in helping you move towards making healthy choices and lifestyle changes. So, with that being said, what is your single best physical feature?

What makes this physical feature your favorite? Ask yourself these two questions and write down your response without letting anyone see. If you are in a relationship ask your partner to do the same! Next, if you dare, have your partner answer what he or she thinks your best physical feature is and vice versa. These are questions that may help fuel dialogue with yourself or a discussion with your (MATURE) mate! This is not meant to make you feel bad about yourself or start an argument. I think it is a great way to learn how you see yourself as well as how your partner sees you; or at least your top physical feature(s)! Here is a hint for you, maybe accent more of your best feature(s)!

You may be surprised that your partner may like something about you that you consider a problem area. In my personal opinion we need to start getting back to the basics! Not everyone is a movie star or a model with top personal trainers. I think it is safe to say be healthy, look great and be you not a carbon copy of someone else! There are many different body types that are absolutely beautiful. It is more about self-confidence and how your personality shines through to your style of dress and all the other stuff I talked about earlier. Make 2012 and the rest of the days and years to come about improvement in every area of your life.

This is just a thought be blessed you guys!!!


June said…
Thanks for this article, it definitely relates to me. When I was younger I was really skinny and was teased by family and friends. It damaged my self-confidence, and I hated my body shape, because I thought I looked like a boy. I didn't know how to love myself. It was after I became a Christian that I realised that I was fearfully and wonderfully made. That knowledge changed my perception of how I saw myself.

The strange thing is, as soon as I started to love myself and my body, I put on weight. I am now in a place where I am happy with how I look. I just need to lose some belly fat :-) which I will be working on this year.
~*FaYe*~ said…
Thank you for the comment June. I created this post after I had a conversation with my husband. Many times after viewing TV or reading certain fashion magazines, it sometimes seems that beauty overrides health. My goal here was just to focus on the fact that we, as humans, are imperfect and that is perfectly okay! We should love ourselves and understand that this is life and we should live it as such, not as a prison sentence!

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