It is no secret that men are initially attracted to what they see. However, to keep them enthralled it takes more. It takes having common interest, spirituality, mutual respect, excitement and humor. They make the possibilities endless! What caused Sylva from Beauty vs Booty?  and Beauty vs Booty? Part 2 to feel a tinge of jealousy?

Her husband, Larry, not only looked at another woman but appeared to have ignored her while doing so! Sylva is a fairly new mom who lost a part of her identity; her style of dress. That does not mean that she is not going to reclaim her lost sense of self but the question is how is she going to do it? Well, take a look at this short script of Larry and Sylva.

LARRY: Yes, I looked and I can't take it back! It's already done! What I can do is explain myself!
SYLVA: Ok, I'm listening!

LARRY: She honestly reminded me of when I first met you!
SYLVA: Huh? So you really think I want to hear that? Try again!

LARRY: Sylva, I am being honest so please....
SYVA:   Alright, I'm listening!

LARRY: You aren't jealous are you?
SYLVA:  I'm not going to call it jealous but I am married to you. I am your wife so if you are looking at her like that what am I supposed to think? I just thought it was rude!

LARRY: So, you are telling me that you don't look at other guys?
SYLVA: I do, but I do it with tact and I don't stare! I give compliments when compliments are due.
To me it doesn't matter if it is a male or female! All I know is that I am married and I am happy!

LARRY: I am happy too but I miss the way you used to dress. I can't help that! I am sorry for staring but you can believe that I don't want her! I was imagining you the whole time!
SYLVA: Ok, whatever! I wasn't born! I have a proposition for you!

LARRY: What is that?
SYLVA: You can take me shopping and I will let you pick out some outfits but I have to like them too!

LARRY: Alright, Sylva's back in business!
SYLVA: And for the record, I am not jealous, I have to protect what's mine?

LARRY: Girl you scaring me now but I like!

Confidence is a very attractive asset for anyone to possess if you ask me; but sometimes life events take place that can leave your level of confidence down in the valley. This is normal because life happens but the key to success is to constantly re-evaluate yourself, goals and perspectives. As humans, we all evolve and grow whether it is for the good or for the bad!

Some days you will be getting your model status on but on other days you may walk around like you going to the gym for like 13 hours out of the 24. I'm calling myself out on this one! Sylva got a little sidetracked trying to balance married life, parenthood and her personal identity. It takes work but don't loose yourself in the process.

I find life to be a series of planned and unplanned events and experiences. My advice is to laugh hard, love hard, learn to forgive, and don't argue too hard or long! It's a waist of time. Be confident in your abilities and make the best out of every situation; even the hard ones! Love yourself unconditionally and help someone in need!

I hope you enjoyed reading this mini series ~


dessygt said…
this is a great series, can't wait to read the next one. i saw jealousy from another perspective. But why he doesn't just tell her he miss the old her. it is hard keeping up the fire in the relationship. maybe they should go on dates then she had an opportunity to look good and also enjoy herself and him.
~*FaYe*~ said…
You are absolutely right! It is important for couples to continuously renew the flame in their relationship. This can be done in so many ways because there is no particular way in which to do it! There are several key points one can take from the series but one very important one is not to loose yourself in the midst of relationships/life!

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