It is important to not only know who you are but to also love who you are. Below are six steps you can incorporate in your life to help you love yourself more.
- Write down 10 great qualities you recognize about yourself. If you can't list 10, enlist family members and friends to help. They can sometimes recognize great qualities in us that we don't see in ourselves.
- Get a piece of paper and write, "I love that I am _______." Fill in the blank with a positive quality. Next say the complete sentence out loud in the mirror. If you like, take this a step farther and log them in a written or online diary so that you can refer to them at a later time.
- Do something different with your appearance: try a new hairstyle, buy a new outfit, begin an exercise regimen that you will stick to.
- Smile more and reflect on good times that you have had in the past; also make a point to make more good times. For example, invite family over for dinner, go on a romantic date with your significant other; plan a vacation.
- Pray more
- Take a break, " you are not superwoman or superman". Focus on yourself more. It is not selfish; it is necessary!