The best thing to do is to be humble and try
The worst thing to do is just "throw in the towel"
Learn not to quit before you start. The hole that you dig is the product of your own faults

Why should I be patient and and why should I wait. 1+1 technically equals 1 but will it be destined in our own fate... Patience is a virtue but exactly how long is it proper for me to wait...

Frustration is trying to creep in but I know better than to let it germinate...
Is this really how it is supposed to be?
Or is it a small obstacle guising itself as two or three?

Prayer is the number one thing that sustains
Me. I must continue for "better or for worse"
But it is not supposed to be a curse! An attack of the enemy is not always the excuse

Watch your thoughts and imaginations...
An action is no more than a thought manifested
Remember what you think and what you say will ultimately become who and what you will become

What we endure has testimony written all over it...
Although it is not easy, we must continue...but surely not just for the fun of it. God never stopped so I can't
either. I have to be a living example although not too simple...
To show others the purpose of His redemption and the meaning
of faith, love, trust, hope and forgiveness


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