When is the right time to say I love you?  Before getting into that, I have to first tell you when not to say I love you?

At the age of 18, I was single, sulking, and the prime host at my own pity party. It was a rainy Valentines' Day and I honestly just wanted to sleep the day away. I was invited on a double date with my cousin and a guy friend that she was not attracted to. This guy friend of hers was best friends with a guy that I knew had a crush on me. My cousin begged me to go because she did not want to spend Valentines' Day stuck in our dorm room. I only agreed to go on the date because I did not want her to go alone. What could possibly happen right?

After arriving at the mall of all places, everybody from school was looking at my cousin and I strangely and I heard one person make the comment, "what are they doing with them?" I was so embarrassed. To make matters worse, the guy that had a crush on me went and bought me balloons, a teddy bear and chocolate. He stood in front of everybody and pointed to the balloons that read "I Love You" and said, "this is what I do to you".  I was shocked and to make a long story short, ended the night feeling weird.

The right time to say I love you is when you have been with a person for some time and you feel it.  Here is how you know:

  1. Take note of when and how long you get the "butterflies" when that person is around. Do you get them even when they aren't dressed so appealing?
  2. Do you think about him or her continuously and can't wait to create your next memory with him or her?
  3. Did you just get out of his or her presence and you miss him or her already?
  4. Do you get nervous or scared when you feel as if he or she could possibly be "the one"?
So, how can you be sure that the other person loves you? You can't really be 100 Percent sure, because so many people are unpredictable, but you can get very close. Here is how:
  1. Is he or she happy to see you whenever you show up unannounced?
  2. Does he or she try to introduce you to what seems like everybody they ever knew?
  3. Does he or she call you back into the room every time you leave because he or she is lonely?
  4. Does he or she look at you dreamy eyed with a smile and when you ask them what they are looking at, they say "nothing"?
  5. Are you noticing quite often that he or she goes out of his or her way to make you comfortable?
As always, I am interested in your thoughts so feel free to comment. Thank you all for reading! 


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